Tarsal Canal Syndrome

What is Tarsal Canal Syndrome?

Tarsal canal syndrome develops with tendovaginitis of the posterior tibial muscle and stenotic ligamentitis of the posterior ligamentous canal on the inner surface of the ankle joint. The syndrome occurs due to compression of the posterior tibial nerve in this channel, which causes a number of vasomotorotrophic disorders of the foot and fingers.

Symptoms of Tarsal Canal Syndrome

Muscle pain and paresthesia occur on the medial surface of the foot and in the fingers, as well as spindle-shaped swelling and painful tissue tightening in this area, accompanied by a violation of pain and tactile sensitivity on the back of the foot. Sometimes the pain syndrome is slightly expressed.

Diagnosis of Tarsal Canal Syndrome

Diagnosis of tenosynovitis and ligamentitis is based on the characteristic localization of the process in thin and long tendons that run through the ligamentous canals. Pain with tendon tension, local inflammatory reactions, sometimes vasomotorotrophic disturbances, due to compression of the peripheral nerve branches passing nearby, are characteristic.

Tarsal Canal Syndrome Treatment

The treatment of tenosynovitis is based on the same principles as the treatment of periarthritis. It should be persistent and comprehensive, especially with de Quervain’s disease. Of primary importance is the rest of the affected tendon with the use of tires and removable plaster casts. With professional tendovaginitis, it is advisable to transfer to another job that is not associated with permanent trauma to the affected tendon.

In the acute phase, analgesics are necessary, bypassing it – physiotherapeutic procedures – diathermy, paraffin, electrophoresis with analgesics, phonophoresis of hydrocortisone, etc.

Carefully begin therapeutic exercises (passive movements). With severe pain and severe inflammation, the affected area is infiltrated with hydrocortisone and novocaine. When the pathological process subsides, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are prescribed more actively.

Massage is done very carefully with a bypass of the affected area. If necessary, resort to surgical intervention – dissection of the tendon or ligamentous canal, removal of nodules on the tendon, ganglia or neurin. Symptomatic treatment in mild, recurring cases can lead to recovery.