
What is Myotendinitis?

Myotendinitis – a tendon lesion at the place of its transition into a muscle (muscle and tendon bundle) is called myotendinitis.

Due to less traumatizing this part of the tendon, its defeat is much less common than periarthritis, and occurs only with significant and prolonged overload of the tendon – in soldiers during military exercises, in athletes during intensive training, and in hard physical labor. Extenders of the hand and foot are most often affected (common extensor of the fingers of the hand, extensor of the thumb, Achilles suhodilie, etc.).

Symptoms of Myotendinitis

Typical symptoms: pain with movements involving the affected tendon and sore points localized at the beginning of the tendon. For example, in case of damage to the radial extensors of the hand, pain, slight swelling and hyperemia of the skin are localized on the back of the hand; Affection of the tendons of the muscles of the thumb is characterized by the appearance of painful swelling in the lower third of the forearm, palpation of which causes crepitus during movements of the thumb. With active movements involving the affected tendons, severe pain occurs, while passive movements remain free and painless. On the roentgenogram of pathology is not detected.

For a long, stubborn (up to several months). With the transition to ordinary work, the disease can recur, At rest and with appropriate treatment, recovery occurs.

Treatment of Myotendinitis

First of all, it is necessary to create rest for the affected tendons, which is achieved by immobilizing the limb in a plaster tire. To reduce the pain syndrome, various analgesics are prescribed, with strong persistent pains they produce infiltration of the affected area with hydrocortisone or radiotherapy.